A roundup of colorful crimes reported in 1905 — although what we now know about vice and illegal gambling sanctioned by town, six months for chicken stealing seems extreme. Note that the penalty for attempting to murder your husband is the same as for cussing.

Mrs. Anderson is Fined

Mrs. Annie Anderson who was arrested Saturday night for taking a shot at her husband, Paul Anderson, on Fourth street, was allowed to plead guilty to a charge of discharging firearms within the city Monday before City Recorder Bagley and was fined $15 which was promptly paid. The husband refuses to prosecute her for shooting at him so she has been released.

– Press Democrat, October 17, 1905


George Heggerty, an old offender, was brought to the county jail here yesterday by City Marshal Collins of Petaluma. Heggerty entered a plea of guilty before City Recorder Green to a charge of vagrancy. He is said to have a weakness for chickens and that he has helped himself more than once. He will have a chance now to forget his taste for a while.

– Press Democrat, February 25, 1905

Two More Men Fined for Using Obscene Language

Thomas Larkin and Martin Staley, who were arrested Monday and charged with being drunk and using obscene language, appeared before City Recorder Bagley yesterday and plead guilty to the charge. They were fined $15 each or 7 days in jail. They are serving time. George Murphy, who was arrested with them, entered a plea of “not guilty” and will stand trial.

– Press Democrat, November 23, 1905

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