Press Democrat editor Ernest L. Finley got along with almost everybody in Santa Rosa, with a couple of notable exceptions: One was James Wyatt Oates, whom he went out of his way to describe in his reminiscences as a disagreeable bully. His other nemesis was whoever sat in the editor’s chair at the rival newspaper.

Finley’s previous foe at the Santa Rosa Republican was Allen B. Lemmon, whose tenure as editor and publisher ended shortly after the 1904 elections, following weeks of the two editors lobbing insults at the other political party, its candidates, and even personally at the other editor. Taking control of the Republican were a pair of out-of-towners who had worked at papers in Sacramento and Oakland. They quickly made an impressive debut with a little muckraking series on the poor conditions of Santa Rosa schools (complete with photographs!) and added a chatty “society” column. Perhaps impressed with the newcomer’s initiative and a little cowed by their journalistic acumen, the Press Democrat no longer mentioned the other paper at all. That truce lasted all of four months.

In mid-March 1905, Finley aggressively went on the attack with a parody claiming to be an advertisement from the Republican. “This excellent household journal,” began the fake ad that appeared in the Press Democrat, “having just passed under control of people from the big town, who never saw a pumpkin in their lives, will henceforth be devoted to the pleasant, though arduous task, of teaching metropolitan ways to hayseeds, and introducing city culture to the backwoods.” With no disclaimer whatsoever, the PD parody, which ran about 800 words, tried to ridicule the competing paper for its “Sussiety news,” making a few minor errors, and running a contest. It comes across as something that was probably side-splitting funny when read loudly to comrades at a saloon, but now just seems snarky.

The Republican responded the next day by reprinting the Press Democrat’s entire parody with an added light-hearted preface. Their article (transcribed below) had one of the best-est headlines ever: “IS THE PEE-DEE SMOKING ‘HOP'”?

The Republican staff apparently thought Finley was playfully engaged in bonhomie jousting. They were wrong. The Press Democrat ran yet another parody ad March 21, but this one had fewer yucks and more sneering. Finley pressed his accusation that the Republican editor was both elitist and ignorant: “While the people here have been poling hogs and mulching turkeys and grafting onions, we have been acquiring information upon all things of importance to the people of rural communities. Since our arrival here, and our assumption of the editorial helm of the Republican, we have been disseminating this wisdom without stint.”

This second parody from the Press Democrat also ventured deeper into the confusing hall of mirrors by mostly pretending to be the Republican criticizing the Press Democrat: “…bearing in mind our self-appointed task of moulding local journalism and local conditions generally into a more metropolitan form, we continued to scan the morning paper daily, and held up a mirror to its short-comings in a way that, although it may have been painful, was nevertheless for the best interests of the public. It is an actual fact that since taking charge of the Republican we have paid more attention to the way the Press Democrat is conducted than to the course of our own journal. We expect no pay for this. The approval of our own conscience is sufficient reward until such time as the people of Santa Rosa and Sonoma county awaken to our merits and accord to us the credit justly due.”

Both parodies reveal much about Finley’s deep wellspring of resentment against outsiders, but it was the second offering that showed how thin-skinned he was. Contrary to the parody’s theme, the new management at the Republican hadn’t been criticizing the PD; in the month prior, no editorial mention of the Press Democrat can be found at all. The Republican had invited the attack, however, for having the temerity to point out an error made by Finley.

Without wandering too deeply into the weeds here, a Press Democrat reporter had asked Luther Burbank whether a sour grape could be bred (really, a grape with high levels of tartaric acid). The nurseryman said yes, it was possible. On March 17, an article in the PD with the headline, “Grapes to Yield Nothing But Acid,” quoted Burbank as saying that a grape could be created “that will yield tartaric acid altogether.” The reporter had either misquoted Burbank or the remark had been mangled in rewrite by editor Finley. That same evening, the Republican ran a short article with a clarification from Burbank: sure, over time a grape could be developed that had more acid, he said, but it could never be a little blob of just acid, as implied by the Press Democrat. The Republican headline read, “Mr. Burbank is Chagrined” that such misinformation had been attributed to him.

Caught in an error – and one misrepresenting a scientific statement by the venerated Luther Burbank, no less – the Press Democrat reacted quickly. But not to correct the mistake; instead, Finley changed the subject into whether Burbank was “chagrined” or not.

That same night, a PD reporter (certainly Finley himself) was knocking on Burbank’s door. The newspaper was told, “There is certainly no reason why I should have been chagrined by anything that has ever appeared in the Press Democrat in connection with my work …I also sincerely hope that you will not allow the matter to swerve in the least the warm friendship that has always existed between us.” The love fest continued with Burbank saying that he and his Secretary had also complimented the Press Democrat’s record of accuracy. The headline: “Mr. Burbank was not ‘Chagrined.'”

The Republican followed up the next day with yet another visit to Burbank for clarification and comment on the not-chagrined kerfuffle. This is now the fourth time that a journalist has pestered him about the theoretical possibility of sour grapes – is there any wonder why the poor man tried to keep away visitors?

The first PD parody appeared in the next issue, and the feud was on. From then until the earthquake a year later, rarely a day went by without one or both papers taking an editorial page potshot at the other. Finley excelled at coming up with little mottos that were probably cute and apt at the time, but today seem bizarre, or maybe like coded spy messages: “The Evening Fakir is at it again,” “Our friend down the street bleeds easily these days,” and my favorite, “Although the Republican spars for wind, it has to ‘acknowledge the corn.'”

While Under Some Influence, the Scribe “Hands It” to The Republican.
The “Sussiety” Writer is Really Pained — Nay, More, Thinks the Pee-Dee is “Vewy Rude, Dontcherknow!”

“The principal trouble
With some people is that
They go through life
Imagining that all the other
People are fools.”
– The Great Pee-Dee.

Whether the Press-Democrat scribe has been indulging in tartaric acid, gall or wormwood is not easy to determine. That something has upset his stomach seems, however, quite certain — witness the following from the Sunday morning issue of that paper. The Republican re-prints it for the edification of its readers:


This excellent household journal, having just passed under control of people from the big town, who never saw a pumpkin in their lives, will henceforth be devoted to the pleasant, though arduous task, of teaching metropolitan ways to hayseeds, and introducing city culture to the backwoods.

First Aid to the Foolish.

In the brief space of two months, this enterprising journal has introduced the codlin moth for the benefit of the fruit growers of Sonoma county, has discovered the quacking drake and the loss of blood without hemorrhage. To this record we point with pardonable pride.

Another startling discovery for which the Republican claims credit, and the honor of first heralded it to the world, is that there is a busy railway station known as “Melino” in Green Valley where thirty-two trains pass every half-hour. But for the Republican’s enterprise, this place might never have been found.

With its unparalleled facilities for gathering and disseminating information the Republican now follows the practice of publishing today’s news yesterday — sometimes even earlier. In fact, we have on several occasions told of events so far in advance that they haven’t happened yet.

In addition to these advantages the Republican is equipped with a private and exclusive system of grammar and rhetoric, which no other paper in the county is entitled to use, or would know how to use if the right were granted. Besides all this, we have an especially devised and copyrighted code of journalistic ethics, not known or even attempted elsewhere in the world. All these benefits are enjoyed by the Republican’s subscribers without extra charge.

Useful and Reliable Information.

It is not every rural community that can command the service of trained and cultured metropolitan journalists spreading the light of knowledge. How many of the farmers of Santa Rosa or Sonoma county would ever have found out that the codlin moth is beneficial, had not the Republican made this important discovery and given its subscribers the startling news the very day after it was unearthed?

The Republican has made many other discoveries, equally startling and of equal importance to the farmers of Santa Rosa and Sonoma county. How many of the ignorant tillers of the soil here know the proper way to harvest rutabega squashes? Few, indeed. Here it has always been the custom to shake the tree and pick up the squashes from the ground. By this process most of the ruta-bagas were bruised; gangrene set in; and the result was that jelly made from these squashes would not keep well, and was positively unhealthful. Rutabagas should never be shaken from the tree. They should be carefully picked with sugar tongs, wiped with pink tissue paper, and the pickled for two weeks in a solution of lime, sulphur and gasoline. Handled in this way, they form a dish fit for the gods, build up the wasted tissues, improve the breath, harden the gums and, in short, tone the system generally.

Portland Tours Contest.

If there is anybody in this community whom you would like to get rid of, send his name to the Republican on a blank ballot furnished for that purpose. The man who gets the most votes will be sent out of the state. None of the Republican staff is eligible under the terms of the contest. This condition is made necessary by the fact that before it was imposed nobody voted for anyone else except Republican writers.

The Real Thing in Sussiety News.

Through the courtesy of the Superintendent of the Glen Ellen Home, the Republican has secured the service of The Prattler, that most distinguished writer upon social topics, hotel arrivals, etc. Those outside the pale of white ties and hard-boiled shirts who may have imagined that Sussiety news cannot be interesting, should read the thrilling stories from this brilliant writer’s trenchant pen, and learn what literature really is. The Prattler is intensely enthusiastic regarding his work — so much so that he says that after one function has been pulled off he can scarcely wait for another. He just wishes such things could last forever!

Now is the Time to Subscribe.

You should not delay, but send in your name at once for this incomparable and incomprehensible newspaper. The very next issue may contain information that will keep you awake o’ nights and be worth a fortune to you. Old residents of the county, men who have taken all the county papers for years, say they have never seen anything like the Republican under its present management. Don’t delay. There may be something in the very next number that will astonish you as well as everybody else, and make your hair curl.

– Santa Rosa Republican, March 20, 1905

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Santa Rosa’s municipal bond passed in March, 1905, and look who walked in with over $200,000 to buy every single bond: James Wyatt Oates, the prominent lawyer who built the home that would become known as Comstock House.

As reported in the article below, competing financiers were “amazed” by Oates’ bid, which came with no strings attached and offered $4,001 over the face value of the bonds.

Oates was well-off, but couldn’t have purchased the bonds for himself – they were worth the equivalent of something over $6 million today. That he was representing a consortium was confirmed by a small item in the June 11 paper that noted the bonds were officially “turned over to the purchaser, Colonel James W. Oates, who acted for himself and other local capitalists.” The identity of these investors is unknown; Oates kept his business affairs quiet, even while making sure the newspapers were kept apprised about his social doings.

Obl. Believe-it-or-Not factoid: March 28, 1905 must have been a big day for Oates. Not only did Santa Rosa voters approve this bond, but the Santa Rosa Republican also published its announcement that Comstock House was completed, including a remarkable 3-column sketch of the house.

Colonel James W. Oates Is Successful Bidder, Giving a Bonus of $400

The meeting of the City Council last evening was honored by the presence of many men of finance. These were drawn by the opening of bids for the purchase of the bonds for $200,000 recently voted for municipal improvements.

The bonds were purchased by Judge James W. Oates. His bid was a premium of $4001 in addition to the par value of the bond issue. Other financial men present were amazed at the amount of premium offered by Colonel Oates, and one buyer’s representative who ventured to inquire into the matter and asked for an interpretation of the high bid, was promptly “sat upon” by the genial Colonel.

The bidders for the bonds were E. H. Rollins & Son, President E. F. Woodward of the Union Trust-Savings Bank, James W. Oates, President J. H. Brush of the Santa Rosa National Bank and A. W. Halsey & Co. of San Francisco.

E. H. Rollins & Son bid par value, accrued interest and a premium of $786, conditioned on the furnishings of a certified copy of the proceedings leading up to the bond issue satisfactory to the firm’s attorneys.

President E. F. Woodward’s bid was par, secured interest and $107.5 premium. The bidder stated that if the proposal was accepted his bank would be willing that there would be delay in delivering bonds until the money was actually needed by the city, for the period of six months if necessary, without interest being charged. Fifteen days notice to be given when money was required.

Colonel James W. Oates’ bid was clear cut and offered $204,001 for the bond issue.

[Details on other bids]

…[T]he bid of Colonel Oates was accepted. In seconding the motion Councilman Brown called attention to the fact that there was no strings on the bid of Colonel Oates, such as furnishing a certified copy of proceedings for an attorney’s inspection, and there would be no delay and no excuses found for refusing to take the bonds. He declared the bid was the most businesslike proposition made to the Council.

The motion to accept the bid was unanimous…

– Santa Rosa Republican, May 17, 1905

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The midsummer weeks of late July and early August, 1905 could have been the happiest time for Mattie and Wyatt Oates in the house, with every room filled with their near and dear. The 28 year-old Anna May Bell, virtually a daughter to the family, continued her summer visit. But both papers mentioned with excitement the imminent visit by Wyatt’s distinguished older brother, former congressman and governor, General W. C. Oates.

Anna May had not one, but two more big parties before the end of summer, the last with nearly 300 (!) guests. The first was organized by the same-age Zana Taylor, who lived about four blocks down the street at her family’s “city” home. Gaye LeBaron tells the story of the Taylor family, their mountain, and the White Sulphur Springs resort in an August 28, 2005 column available in the Press Democrat archive (no permanent link). The September sendoff, held two doors down at the magnificent Paxton house, was hosted by the creme de la Santa Rosa creme.

Before big brother William and his family left for the Portland exhibition, Wyatt gave them an auto tour of the area, with none other than speedster Fred J. Wiseman behind the wheel. “Returning to this city, Colonel Oates gave orders to turn the auto loose, and Wiseman complied in a manner which shook the party up.”

Distinguished Alabaman Will Visit City of Roses

Judge and Mrs. James Wyatt Oates are looking forward with great pleasure to a visit from General W. C. Oates of Alabama. The local attorney recently received a letter from his brother, stating that he expected to come to the City of Roses and spend the summer with his relative. While not [sic] date has been set for his coming, Judge Oates would not be surprised to have him walk in upon him at any time. The visitor from Alabama is one of the best known men of the southland, and has previously visited here, where he has many warm friends. He was Governor of his State, served fifteen years in Congress as its representative, was a Colonel in the Confederate Army and a General in the Spanish-American War. Few men have such a record of public honor and service as General Bell. [sic]

– Santa Rosa Republican, June 27, 1905

Ballroom Handsomely Adorned With Flowers and Greenery — Party a Success in Every Way

Miss Zana Taylor’s dancing party last night at Woodmen’s hall in honor of Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia who is here spending the summer with Colonel and Mrs. Oates was a decidedly pretty and successful function.

The hall was transformed into an ideal ballroom. It was brilliant with floral embellishments and color effects which gave it a fascinating appearance. Baskets of pink roses and greenery were used here and there in the decoration scheme with much taste. Overhead streamers of pink and white radiated from the centre chandelier and were caught up gracefully at each end of the room.

The fair young hostess was assisted in receiving her guests by her mother Mrs. John S. Taylor, Mrs. James Wyatt Oates, Mrs. Blitz W. Paxton and Mrs. M. S. Solomon. The music for the dancing was furnished by Parks’ orchestra. The musicians were stationed behind a bamboo hedge, a pretty creation.

The dance program will be kept as dainty souvenirs of the party. They were “bell” shaped. Supper was served shortly before twelve o’clock and dancing was resumed afterwards. The party was a delightful affair in every way and guests entered fully into the spirit of the occasion.

– Press Democrat, July 28, 1905


Colonel and Mrs. J. W. Oates will hold a reception at their residence on Healdsburg avenue this evening in honor of their guests, General and Mrs. W. C. Oates of Alabama. A large number of invitations have been issued.

– Press Democrat, August 8, 1905

As a usual thing there are not many social happenings at this time of the year, but the week just passed was marked by two events of importance — the reception in honor of General and Mrs. W. C. Oates of Alabama and the dance in Miss Anna May Bell’s honor. General and Mrs. W. C. Oates, and their son, W. C. Oates, Jr., and Miss Bell are guests of Colonel and Mrs. J. W. Oates.

Except for the card party giving in Miss Bell’s honor a few weeks ago, where only young people were present, the reception was the first formal event to be given in the handsome new Oates home — and indeed the place was bewilderingly lovely. It was as much a treat to see the elegant reception rooms in their artistic furnishings as it was to see the handsome gowns that graced the occasion. Although the affair was a reception given an ex-Governor and a General of two wars, and formal in its nature, it was anything but formal as far as the clothes worn by the men were concerned. Having come west, with no idea of doing society, General Oates left his dress suit at home, so the gentlemen invited to meet him did the same.

The arrival of Miss Bell from Visalia is always the occasion for functions in her honor, not the least pleasant of which was the dancing party Thursday evening in Woodmen’s Hall. This enjoyable affair was attended by all of the members of the younger set who were in town and a number of young married couples. The party was arranged by a number of Miss Bell’s friends and admirers and was a success in every way.

– Press Democrat Society column, August 13, 1905
General Oates Seeing Beauties of Sonoma

Colonel James W. Oates and General W. C. Oates and W. C. Oates, Jr., took a trip to San Francisco today and spent the time enjoyably in sight seeing. Yesterday Colonel Oates took his brother through the pretty Gold Ridge section, where the Alabaman had visited twenty tears ago. He was agreeably surprised to note the improvement and prosperity which had come to the people there since his last visit. Twenty years ago, General Oates saw but a sparsely settled country at Sebastopol and today he finds it thickly settled, with every evidence of the abundant prosperity which had come to it in these years. Another enjoyable trip which was taken by the brothers was to Cloverdale, where General Oates was delighted with the beautiful country. A stop was made at Asti to see the wonderful sights at that place, all of which proved enjoyable. The trip was made in an auto, with Chauffeur Fred Wiseman at the throttle. This was the general’s first ride in an auto, and he is now partial to that mode of travel. Returning to this city, Colonel Oates gave orders to turn the auto loose, and Wiseman complied in a manner which shook the party up en route to this city. General Oates occupied a front seat on the machine and remarked when he reached the City of Roses that he had traveled about as fast as he wished to on the trip.

– Santa Rosa Republican, August 18, 1905
General and Mrs. Oates Have Departed for Home

General and Mrs. W. C. Oates and W. C. Oates, Jr., departed this morning en route to their Alabama home, going by way of Portland and the Yellowstone Park. At Portland they will make an extended visit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Colonel and Mrs. James Wyatt Oates went to San Francisco to see them off on the northern trip, but were unable to accompany them as they had planned owing to important business which demanded the presence of Colonel Oates here. Colonel and Mrs. Oates had expected to have the pleasure of visiting at the fair with their relatives, but have had to forego the journey.


– Santa Rosa Republican, August 19, 1905


Elegant Paxton Home on Healdsburg Avenue Transformed Into a Veritable Bower of Beauty

The elegant Paxton home on Healdsburg Avenue was the scene of a brilliant reception Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia. Almost three hundred guests called between three and six o’clock to meet the popular girl in whose honor the affair was given.

Miss Bell is a relative of Col. and Mrs. James W. Oates of this city. She has spent much of the present summer here, where she has many friends. She is a charming girl with friendly, cordial manners that make her a great favorite wherever she goes and the reception of Thursday afternoon was one of the most successful of a large number of functions that have been planned in her honor this summer.

The house was a veritable bower of beauty. The decorations were entirely pink. The reception hall and parlors were decorated with La France and Duchesse roses and amaryllis blossoms. The dining room was fragrant with great clusters of beautiful pink carnations attractively arranged and placed where they showed to advantage. Master Marshall Paxton stood in the doorway and ushered the guests into the reception hall, where they were received by Mrs. Blitz Wright Paxton, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. J. W. Oates, Mrs. T. J. Geary, Mrs. M. H. Dignan, Mrs. Wm Martin, Mrs. Mark McDonald, Mrs. Frank Doyle, and Mrs. James Edwards. Mrs. Paxton looked charming in a handsome silk gown trimmed with heavy pearl lace. Miss Bess Riley, Miss Jessie Robertson, Miss Zana Taylor, and Miss Bessie Porter served ices and cakes in the beautifully decorated dining room. Music was furnished during the afternoon by C. Mortimer Chapin and Mrs. Berry.

– Press Democrat, September 15, 1905

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