This survey of the 1904 Santa Rosa newspapers ends with 45 posts, 39 on them on distinct topics.

Two types of stories will never be included here unexpurgated: Suicides (at least, the successful ones) and bouts of insanity, although both were mainstays of the old papers. Sorry, but no one casually searching the web for their family surname deserves to stumble upon the horrific description of an ancestor writhing in pain after swallowing carbolic acid. That said, there were two stories from 1904 that lingered on my desk and deserve semi-anonymous mention, both for the poignancy of the tale and the writer’s talent in the telling.

The first appeared in the Press Democrat Feb. 16, with the irresistible headline, “BRIDE OF WEEK A RAVING MANIAC.” The poor woman really hadn’t gone Freddy-Kruger, of course, but had become delusional. “…The attending physician could see no hope for her but to remove her to a place where she could be given the attention given persons who mental faculties have become shadowed…her friends are extremely sorry.”

The March 6 PD sketched a story that intrigues: Only a few days after an Alexander Valley man committed suicide, a wealthy son from one of the earliest and most well-known white families in the county stood on his front porch and pressed the barrel of a rifle against his chest. He died instantly, even as his unsuspecting wife and a woman guest were inside the home. “…He was undoubtedly temporarily insane, as was the case with the other tragic death,” opined the Press Democrat writer. “These seem to be days of suicides, days fraught with unbalancing of mentality.”

There were at least 21 references of Mr/Mrs. Oates in the Press Democrat’s “Personal Mention” column. Most were business trips by Wyatt to San Francisco, Healdsburg, or Sebastopol, but on Feb. 6 he was a “party patron” and on Nov. 1 he was “seriously indisposed with stomach troubles.” The last mention of Comstock House in 1904 was Sept. 15, when the PD reported “good progress is being made with the foundation.”

Some notes for future reference: Santa Rosa’s 1904 population was about 9,000, with 725 telephones. 39 of 40 potential jurors listed their profession as farmer. A December vote for a $75,000 bond for the overcrowded Santa Rosa schools failed to pass.

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August, 1904 and work is underway. Note again that architect Brainerd Jones isn’t mentioned. The Santa Rosa Republican ran a nearly identical item the same day, but added this closing paragraph: “‘There will not be a parlor in the whole house and there will not be a room in which I can’t smoke,’ the Judge has frequently remarked to friends.”

Attorney Oates Lets the Contract For Colonial Residence

Attorney James W. Oates has let the contract for the handsome residence he will erect at Healdsburg avenue and Benton streets to Williamson & McKenzie, and men are at work preparing the lot preparatory to the erection of the house. Mr. Oates owns four large lots on Healdsburg avenue adjoining Walter S. Davis’ home, and they will be taken up by the residence and the grounds. The house will stand in the centre of the property. It will be built colonial style, and will be arranged very picturesquely. It will cost several thousand dollars, and nothing that money and taste can provide will be omitted in making it a comfortable and attractive home.

– Press Democrat news item, August 26, 1904

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1904 was surely a taxing year for James Wyatt Oates. Now 54 and still alone at his law practice that sometimes called him out of town several times a month, Oates was also one of fifteen men appointed to draft the new Santa Rosa City charter. The family also moved that year and was involved in the planning stages for their grand house. No surprise that the Press Democrat reported in August that Oates was taking a “well-earned vacation” (a comment probably made by Wyatt or wife Mattie when providing the item to the newspaper).

Several items of interest appeared in the PD that summer. Already reported here was that Oates sold their home at 431 Tenth Street to Mr. and Mrs. Mark McDonald Jr. (Junior would later inherit and return to the Mableton mansion). The Oates family moved to a house at the intersection of Tenth and Mendocino, where the newspaper described a tea party Mattie held in August. The vacation item also mentions Mrs. Solomon, so we can assume that his mother-in-law was living with the couple even before their new home was built. Most interesting, however, are the two references to Miss Anna May Bell, who is presumably Anna May Dunlap as a child. Eleven years from then, Anna May would be watching over Oates as he died of double pneumonia, following a visit to her in Los Angeles. Much later in 1950 she would make an unusual donation to the city in remembrance of Oates, 35 years after his death.

Attorney James W. Oates, accompanied by Mrs. Oates, Mrs. Solomon, and Miss Anna May Bell, leave today for San Francisco where they will spend a few days, and where Mr. Oates will enjoy a well-earned vacation.

– Press Democrat “Personal Mention,” August 17, 1904

Tea in Honor of Mrs. Bell and Miss Anna Bell of Visalia Given by Mrs. Oates–Forty Guests Present

Shasta daisies in the reception rooms and red the color of the effective decorations in the dining room made the interior of the Oates residence at Tenth and Mendocino streets very pretty for a charming social function which took place there yesterday afternoon.

Mrs. James W. Oates entertained informally and very delightfully about forty lady friends at a tea given in honor of Mrs. Bell and her daughter, Miss Anna May Bell, of Visalia. Miss Bell has been Mrs. Oates guest here for several weeks. The guests admired the daisies and the decorations very much. The tea tables were tastefully arranged.

– Press Democrat news item, August 27, 1904

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