Santa Rosa society, prepare yourselves for nonstop supper parties, elegant receptions and high teas: Anna May Bell is coming to town, and she’s engaged to be married.

Miss Bell lived in Southern California, but spent her summers here as a guest of Mattie and James Wyatt Oates, to whom she was something of a godchild. The parties given in her honor were always the most talked-about of the season; three hundred attended a 1905 reception at the Paxton home, just two doors down from the Oates. And despite the somber mood of the town in the months following the 1906 earthquake, Anna May’s appearance that year inspired the first parties since the disaster. But something was in the winds come 1907; she didn’t visit Santa Rosa at all. Instead, the Oates family spent Christmas and New Years’ at her home in Visalia. Then in the summer of 1908 came the announcement – she was to marry Samuel Cary Dunlap, a Los Angeles grain dealer.

The Oates and her other friends were delighted at the news, and although her 1908 visit lasted less than three weeks, at least four five events were held for her, including the largest party probably ever held at (what would become known as) Comstock House, where two hundred guests filled the rooms. A small orchestra fiddled away, presumably behind potted palms in the library, as had been the entertainment at an earlier party.

The wedding that October received full coverage in the Santa Rosa papers, even though it was held in Anna May’s hometown of Visalia. A local woman was a bridesmaid, traveling with the Oates to the event. But at the last minute, Wyatt bowed out of attending the ceremony, staying home because of the “press of business matters just at this time.”

What was important enough to have kept him here is a mystery. Nothing in the papers around this time suggested that he had critical legal business before a court or that he was closing a big deal. (One possibility is that he was needed to intercede on behalf of the local electric company, which had the town spitting mad over recent power outages; Oates had represented the company a year earlier when they obtained a franchise from the county. See following post for more on the town’s “juice” problem that year.) But when it comes to James Wyatt Oates, it’s easy to always assume the worst – that he refused to go because some incident incited him into a fit of pique, or that he couldn’t bear to be separated from his first automobile, which had just been delivered a couple of weeks before.

Whatever his reason for not attending her wedding, Wyatt and Anna May maintained close ties until the end of his life. She was at his deathbed as he died of double pneumonia, following a visit to her home in Los Angeles.

The marriage of Samuel and Anna May Dunlap lasted over two decades, ending when he died at the age of 64 (he was twelve years older than she). They had one child. Anna May did not remarry, and apparently did not return to academics, although as a 1900 Stanford graduate, she had taught English at the Los Angeles Polytechnic High School. During WWII, she had leadership roles in several Los Angeles war-relief women’s groups, including Bundles for America, the Committee for Navy Reserve, the War Finance Committee. of Southern California, and more. She was also the state president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, being the grandchild of Gen. Tyree Harris Bell, C.S.A.

Anna May Bell Dunlap died on June 14, 1967, ninety years old. Her last appearance in the Santa Rosa newspapers occurred in 1950, when she returned to town to make a donation to the library and commissioned a local student to design a bookplate to be pasted in the books purchased through her grant. The gift was made to the memory of James Wyatt Oates.

LEFT: Anna May Bell at Stanford University graduation, 1900
RIGHT: Engagement portrait, 1908
(CLICK to enlarge)

Colonel Oates Home

Colonel J. W. Oates, who has been visiting with his wife in Visalia and Fresno for a couple of weeks, returned home last night. Mrs. Oates will remain for a longer visit in Fresno.

– Press Democrat, January 4, 1908

Mrs. James W. Oates and Mrs. M. S. Solomon have returned from their visit in Visalia and Fresno. Accompanied by Colonel Oates the ladies went south on December 22. Colonel Oates returned several days ago, and Mrs. Oates and Mrs. Solomon came home Tuesday.

– “Personal Mention” Press Democrat, January 17, 1908

The Los Angeles papers have announced the coming marriage of Miss Anna May Bell in that city. Miss Bell has often visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oates at their home in Santa Rosa and has made many friends here. The groom-elect is Samuel Dunlap, a grain merchant of Los Angeles.

Miss Bell is a charming and delightful girl, who has visited in the City of Roses frequently, and she is popular here in social circles. She is handsome and vivacious and her many friends here will learn with pleasure of her the approaching nuptials. During her visits here Miss Bell has always been the object of great attentions, and many parties were arranged in her honor. She is a decided favorite here with a large number friends.

– Santa Rosa Republican, July 9, 1908

Judge James W. Oates and Captain I. T. Bell, the latter of Visalia, left here Friday morning for Guerneville and Monte Rio, and from there they expected to go to Cazadero for the day. On their return they think of coming by way of Occidental and across the electric road at Taylor’s and thus make a complete circuit of the western Sonoma County. Captain Bell is very much elated over the county and climate, and remarked before taking the train that they enjoyed 35 days at this his home this summer during which the temperature registered 110 or over.

– Santa Rosa Republican, August 7, 1908

Colonel and Mrs. J. W. Oates are entertaining Captain Bell, of Visalia, the father of Miss Anna May Bell. Colonel Oates and Captain Bell have enjoyed a couple of days in touring the beauty spots to be found at Guernewood [sic], Camp Vacation, Bohemian Grove, Armstrong Grove, Montrio [sic] and other places. Captain Bell is delighted with the City of Roses and Sonoma County.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, August 9, 1908
Colonel and Mrs. Oates to Entertain in Honor of Miss Anna May Bell and Miss Irma Woodward

On Friday evening, August 21, Colonel and Mrs. James W. Oates will entertain at their beautiful home on Mendocino Avenue, in honor of two fair brides-to-be, Miss Anna May Bell, daughter of Captain Bell of Visalia, and the Miss Irma Woodward, daughter of Senator and Mrs. E. F. Woodward. Colonel and Mrs. Oates have issued cards for a reception from eight until eleven o’clock on the evening named. It is sure to be a very delightful event.

– Press Democrat, August 14, 1908

A society event of this week which is anticipated with much interest by those receiving invitations to be present occurs on Friday night at the handsome colonial residence of Colonel and Mrs. James Wyatt Oates on Mendocino Avenue. On that evening they will be “At Home” in honor of two charming girls whose engagements were recently announced. Miss Anna May Bell, daughter of Captain and Mrs. Bell of Visalia, and Miss Irma Woodward, daughter of Senator and Mrs. Edward F. Woodward. Both Miss Bell and Miss Woodward are very popular here and deservedly so,. The host and hostess of the occasion are always delightful entertainers, and in consequence their guests know that neither nothing will be wanting that can in any way enhance the pleasure of the evening.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, August 16, 1908

Miss Anna May Bell has arrived here from Visalia, and is a guest at the home of Colonel and Mrs. James W. Oates, arrived here last night for a visit with Colonel and Mrs. Oates.

– “Personal Mention” Press Democrat, August 19, 1908
Mrs. Paxton and Mrs. Marshall Hostesses for Tea in Honor of Miss Anna May Bell and Miss Holmes

At the beautiful Paxton home on Mendocino Avenue on Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Blitz W. Paxton and her mother, Mrs. Mary Marshall, were the hostesses at a tea which was attended by a large company of their lady friends. The parlors were beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the ladies entertained in a very charming manner.

Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia, and Miss Ellie Holmes of San Francisco, two very popular young ladies who are visiting Santa Rosa, where the motif for the delightful function.

– Press Democrat, August 20, 1908

An interesting quartet composed of two prospective brides and grooms-to-be was the center of attraction at the delightful “at home” given by Judge and Mrs. J. W. Oates at their residence Friday evening. It was a recepion to Miss Irma Woodward of this city, who will sortly become Mrs. J. Allen Wallis, and Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia, whose title is soon to be Mrs. Samuel Cary Dunlap. Fully 200 guests thronged the beautiful flower-decorated rooms during the evening, meeting and congratulating the two brides and the future partners.

Judge and Mrs. Oates are the most hospitable hosts, and when entertaining neglect nothing that will added to the enjoyment of their guests. During the three hours of the reception an orchestra discoursed exquisite music, a pleasurable feature of the occasion. Throughout the supper hour a number of young ladies waited in serving in the assisted in the serving.

Mrs. Oates was assisted by Mrs. S. S. Solomon, Mrs. E. F. Woodward…

– “Pencil Gatherings” Santa Rosa Republican, August 22, 1908
Reception Tendered by Colonel and Mrs. Oates in Honor of Miss Anna May Bell and Miss Irma Woodward

Reception at the beautiful home of Colonel and Mrs. James W. Oates on Mendocino Avenue last night was a brilliant social function. It was in honor of Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia, and Miss Irma Woodward of this city, two very popular brides-to-be. Two hundred invited guests had the pleasure of formally tending very hearty congratulations to them and their prospective husbands, Mr. Dunlap, who is to wed Miss Bell, and Mr. Wallis who is to claim Miss Woodward as bride.

The scene in this richly furnished reception rooms, enhanced with exquisite floral arrangements, was a captivating one, and from eight until eleven the happy throng of guests mingled. The hospitality of the Oates home was never more graciously extended than on this occasion. The minutest to detail that could add in any way to the pleasure of the evening were not overlooked and the host and hostess were highly complemented.

Naturally attention was centered upon the young ladies in whose honor the reception was given and they in turn were most cordial in their acknowledgement of the good wishes extended.

An elaborate supper was served in the dining room and a number of young ladies assisted in serving the refreshments. It was indeed an auspicious occasion in every way.

– Press Democrat, August 22, 1908
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Woodward Entertain Many Friends on San Francisco Bay

Mr. and Mrs. Edward F Woodward gave a very delightful launch party on San Francisco Bay on Sunday in honor of their daughter, Miss Irma Woodward and Miss Anna May Bell, both brides-to-be. Fifty of their friends from the city and a number of young people from Berkeley were invited guests.

At Tiburon the party embarked on the government launch “Golden Gate,” and first went out o the Heads and inspected Uncle Sam’s battleships of the Pacific squadron. The cruiser Pennsylvania was boarded and the party conducted over the big vessel.

Goat Island was visited and the naval training school inspected. The visitors were in time to see one hundred young, sturdy lads pack up and start for the Pennsylvania for the purpose of entering active service in the Navy. Angel Island and the immigration inspection quarters were also visited.

Aboard the “Golden Gate,” Mr. and Mrs. Woodward entertained their guests at luncheon, and in every way the cruise on the Bay was very pleasant and entertaining. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward were cordially thanked by their guests.

– Press Democrat, August 25, 1908

Mrs. Henrietta A. Hahman entertained two charming brides-to-be at her handsome home on Third street Tuesday evening. Miss Irma Woodward of this city and Miss Anna May Bell of Visalia were the guests of honor, and many were present at the reception.

Cards formed the principal feature of entertainment, five hundred being played during the evening. Mrs. C. A. Wright was successful in capturing the ladies’ first prize, and Miss Bell took second honors. The gents’ prizes went to J. Allan Wallis and Miss Alma Keser, while Miss Woodward secured the slam prize and Mrs. Charles F. Rohrer got the consolation prize.

The Hahman residence was handsomely adorned, a pretty decorative scheme being shown, and the card games took place in a veritable floral bower. The Misses Hahman assisted their mother in entertaining, and Miss Clara Hahman rendered a number of vocal selections during the evening. Following a delicious tete-a-tete supper, served at midnight, a social season followed, and the guests departed for the homes at an early hour Wednesday morning.

– Santa Rosa Republican, August 26, 1908

One of the most elaborate functions of the season was the luncheon in honor of Miss Anna May Bell, given by Mrs. John S. Taylor and Mrs. Zana Taylor, on Wednesday at the beautiful Taylor residence on Mendocino Avenue. The decoration scene was carried out with exquisite taste. Pink and white were the prevailing colors, and white and pink roses and pink amaryllis the flowers used. It was a progressive luncheon. In the dining room, where the decorations were in white, five tempting courses were served, while for the desert and confections the guests moved to another room, all in pink. Covers were laid for a dozen guests. The name cards were decidedly unique. They were of “bride” design included a dainty little bride’s veil. A toast to the bride-to-be, Miss Bell was heartily proposed by the guests and some very pretty sentiments were voiced as the handsome loving cup was handed around the table. The cup was handpainted, displaying Miss Taylor’s handiwork. The loving cup was presented to Miss Bell as a souvenir of the occasion. It was a very happy occasion for all present and one that will be fraught with many pleasant memories.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, September 6, 1908

Miss Anna May Bell departed of the first of the week for her home in Visalia after a visit here with Colonel and Mrs. James Wyatt Oates, during which she was certain made much of in view of her approaching marriage. Her visit on this occasion served to cement more firmly the ties of friendship that exist between herself and a large coterie of friends in the City of Roses. She is a very charming girl and her great popularity is deserved.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, September 13, 1908

Miss Anna May Bell is to become a bride on October 20 and Miss Irma Woodward will be the bridesmaid at the wedding. This is certainly very nice in view of the large number of joint social functions at which these two popular girls were entertained in the City of Roses.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, October 3, 1908

Col. and Mrs. Oates have received their new automobile. They anticipate enjoying my much pleasure out of the machine.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, October 3, 1908

Mrs. James Wyatt Oates and her mother Mrs. Solomon, and Miss Irma Woodward, left yesterday morning for Visalia, where they will attend the wedding of Miss Anna May Bell, which takes place this evening at eight o’clock. Miss Woodward is to be the bridesmaid for Miss Bell. Mrs. Oates and Miss Woodward will return home Saturday but Mrs. Solomon is to remain in Visalia for couple of weeks. Colonel J. W. Oates was prevented from going to the wedding on account of press of business matters just at this time.

– Press Democrat, October 21, 1908

Cards have been received your announcing the marriage of Miss Anna May Bell and Samuel C. Dunlap which was solemnized last Wednesday night in the M. E. church at Visalia. It was in every detail a brilliant function. Mrs. James W. Oates, Mrs. M. S. Solomon and Miss Irma Woodward, of this city, were among those present, Miss Woodward being one of the bridesmaids. In addition to gifts on her wedding day the telegraph carried many congratulatory messages from the City of Roses. Much was said in the press of the southland about the marriage. Here is one of the accounts:

Miss Anna May Bell, one of Visalia’s most popular young women, was wedded at the M. E. Church South last night to Samuel C. Dunlap of Los Angeles. Rev. J. E. Moore of Fresno officiating. It was a brilliant affair. The bridesmaids were Miss Irma Woodward of Santa Rosa, Msiss Myrtle Harrell of Fresno, and the maid of honor Miss Eva Gray of Los Angeles. The ushers were Messrs. S. S. Stitt, L. H. Allen and G. H. Schneider of Los Angeles. Mrs. H. G. Parish and Mrs. H. H. Holley rendered “Oh, Promise Me,” on piano and violin.

The bride was attired in a dainty imported dress of messaline with point lace trimmings and carried a large bouquet of lilies of the valley. The matron of honor, Mrs. Connick of San Francisco, herself a bride of a few weeks, was attired in a gown of lace. The bridesmaids wore directoire gowns of yellow satin, and carried yellow chrysanthemums.

Following the ceremony the relatives and out-of-town guests repaired to the Bell residents where a collation was served and a reception was held until 11 o’clock, and the newly-married couple left for Tulare by auto and took the Owl for Los Angeles, where they will make their home.

The church decorations, which were arranged by Miss Kate Parsons and Miss Myrtle Harrell of Fresno, were among the most elaborate seen in Visalia in some time.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, October 25, 1908

Colonel and Mrs. Oates and other Santa Rosa friends have received a number of letters from Mrs. Dunlap (Anna May Bell). Mrs. Dunlap always likes to be pleasantly remembered to her large circle of friends in the City of Roses. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap are now at home to their friends in an attractive residence in Los Angeles.

– “Society Gossip” Press Democrat, November 22, 1908

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James Wyatt Oates purchased his first car in 1908, which gives us a likely date for the most infamous story told about him. The complete tale is reprinted below, but here’s a summary, for the purpose of discussion:

Late one evening, a man came to the home of Press Democrat editor Ernest Finley to warn him about death threats made by Oates. “If I were you, I would get out of town for a few days. Take a trip to San Francisco until Oates cools off. He says he is going to cut your heart out.” Finley cooly replied, “[G]o back and tell Oates, tell him for me that I said he will never cut anybody up, because he hasn’t got the guts. Tell him I said he had been talking around here for thirty years about killing people, but in that time the only man he ever tackled was a cripple, and then if the crowd had not been prevented, the cripple would have beaten him to death with his crutch.”

It’s a spiteful little story intended to make Oates look a fool, but the joke was on Finley – he didn’t know Oates actually had killed a man. From a biography of Oates’ brother, we learn that he shot someone dead in a fit of anger when he was sixteen, and was acquitted only after his brother paid a “considerable sum of money” to the prosecutor – who happened to be the father of the victim. Apparently no one in the West knew of his crime; in her oral history, Helen Comstock said the story was told that Oates had shot a man, but not fatally.

(RIGHT: A previously unknown portrait of James Wyatt Oates that appeared in the San Francisco Call, October 23, 1900)

Finley’s tale appeared in “Santa Rosans I Have Known,” a compilation of profiles he penned for the newspaper which were gathered together into a book after he died in 1942. Oates was the only “pioneer” he disparaged, and the essay rankled Hilliard Comstock, who told his family he thought it was mean-spirited of Finley to insult the memory of an honorable man.

While there’s no doubt that Oates was a hothead of legendary proportions, Finley certainly confused facts, and might have confabulated parts of the story. Finley’s late night visit could not have happened before Oates bought his first car in August, 1908 – yet the event that supposedly sent Oates into a rage was Finley’s criticism of “his” city charter, which had been adopted back in 1904 (the PD editorial mentioned by Finley appeared on Sept. 14 of that year). Also, he claimed this all happened when Oates was city attorney, which was in 1912. And lastly, Finley misidentified his brother as a senator instead of a congressman.

Finley’s lack of factchecking aside, I’m unable to find evidence the other two anecdotes he mentioned even happened. Finley wrote that Oates once led the local delegation to the Democratic party state convention, but stormed out when “he could not have his way.” Oates was a delegate for many years, but only was Sonoma County chairman in 1892. No mention of an incident like that can be found in local or state papers.

I also can’t find any account of Oates being beaten by a “cripple,” although that story is harder to sleuth because no year is mentioned. John M. Carter was a Santa Rosa councilman from 1896 to 1904, but Finley wrote vaguely that the incident happened when he was “a member or perhaps a former member of the city council.” While it wouldn’t be surprising to learn there was a scrap (see above, re: Oates, hothead), I doubt it was nearly as dramatic as Finley claimed. Like Sherlock’s “dog that didn’t bark in the night,” the lack of evidence is evidence itself. Newspapers of the day loved this kind of juicy story, often giving it front-page coverage. (In fact, I stumbled across just such an item while researching 1892 politics: Following election primaries in Los Angeles, a man named Ignacio Bilderrain cracked a political foe’s head open with his cane.) If a man as prominent as Oates really had been badly beaten with a crutch, it undoubtedly would have been reported far and wide.

Why Ernest L. Finley felt the need to posthumously whack James W. Oates is a mystery. They didn’t appear to be bitter personal enemies; Finley attended a 1906 card party at (what would become known as) Comstock House. Won first prize, even.

My guess is that clues can be found in Finley’s opening sentence: “Oates came here as a young lawyer from Alabama, expecting to control Democratic policies in Sonoma County.” Yes, Oates wanted to launch himself into politics, but Sonoma County’s political world was controlled by a “good ol’ boy” clique. Oates lacked the temperament to be a cog in anyone else’s political machine, and famously always said he had no interest in dealing with people who he felt weren’t “square” with him. Oates also didn’t have the Missouri pedigree that greased entry into the clique. In all ways, he was the unwelcome black sheep.

By contrast, Finley was always the defender of the good ol’ boys, and his Press Democrat was their official organ. His editorials viciously attacked anyone who challenged the status quo, much as he savaged Oates in this profile. Perhaps here Finley was settling (very) old scores related to Oates’ threat to their power. Or perhaps Finley simply didn’t like black sheep who didn’t get along with his pals.

Colonel Oates is one of the latest devotees of the automobile and he has purchased a fine machine. For a long time the Colonel has had the “auto fever” and finally the impulse to own a car became irresistible.

– Society Gossip column, Press Democrat, August 30, 1908

James Wyatt Oates came here as a young lawyer from Alabama, expecting to control Democratic policies in Sonoma County. A man of many fine qualities, he possessed none of the attributes of political leadership and died a disappointed man. He could not brook opposition in any form, and when opposed either developed a violent fit of temper or gave up the fight.

He once went to a state convention in Sacramento as the head of a delegation from this county, and he could not have his way jumped on the train and came home, leaving the delegates to work out their salvation alone.

Oates came out of a prominent Alabama family, a brother being governor of that state and afterwards United States senator. He talked a great deal about the South, and frequently boasted about being a great fighter, but he usually managed to keep the peace.

One night about 11:30 o’clock, a then well-known automobile salesman here drove up to my house, rang the doorbell and said he wanted to talk to me. I had not yet retired and we went for a drive. It appeared that he had sold Oates an automobile and delivery had been taken that day in San Francisco. When he and the salesmen were driving home together, Oates, then city attorney, had begun talking about the new city charter at that time up for adoption. We did not consider it much of an improvement over the old one and had said so editorially. Oates considered himself responsible for the charter, having prepared a good part of it, and he had argued himself into the belief that the paper’s opposition was prompted by personal feeling. This was not true, but as he talked he grew extremely angry and became greatly excited.

“If I were you, I would get out of town for a few days,” said the automobile man. “Take a trip to San Francisco until Oates cools off. He says he is going to cut your heart out.”

“Do you want to do something for me?” I inquired with grade apparent solicitude.

“I certainly do,” replied my friend.

“Then go back and tell Oates, tell him for me that I said he will never cut anybody up, because he hasn’t got the guts. Tell him I said he had been talking around here for thirty years about killing people, but in that time the only man he ever tackled was a cripple, and then if the crowd had not been prevented, the cripple would have beaten him to death with his crutch.”

Not too long before Oates had passed John M. Carter, a member or perhaps a former member of the city council, while the latter was seated in his buggy. Some altercation arose and Oates attempted to strike Carter. The latter, a one-legged man, jumped clear out over the buggy wheel and onto the sidewalk, brandishing and striking out with his single crutch in a deadly fashion. He was an angry man, but bystanders prevented serious casualties.

No man could have been more courteous and charming in his own home than James W Oates. He entertained extensively, and had many warm friends. He could be a delightful companion wanted he chose, but he possessed an unfortunate disposition that in time caused him disappointment and sorrow, and brought pain and anguish to some who were extremely near and dear to him. Oates enjoyed a good law practice here for many years, confining himself largely to probate practice. He would have gone further and gotten much more pleasure out of life if his had been a less tempestuous nature.

– “Santa Rosans I Have Known” by Ernest L. Finley, pg. 29-30

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Next time you’re walking in downtown Santa Rosa, take an eyeful of the “Empire Building,” and notice that something’s wrong. The building itself is quite 20th century – but the clock tower harks back to America in the years after the Civil War. What were they thinking? Slapping an old-fashioned clock tower on an elegant new building does not fine architecture make.

Now the most well-recognized structure downtown, it was originally the Santa Rosa Bank Building, built at the same location of the bank destroyed by the Great Earthquake of 1906. John Galen Howard, one of the top architects on the West Coast, designed the new building at the same time as he was creating the campus for University of California/Berkeley and most of its key buildings and landmarks (Sather Gate, the Greek Theatre, the Campanile, California Hall, Doe Library, for ex).

Howard’s drawings of his original design appeared in both local papers in 1908 (the copy at right was taken from the May 16 Santa Rosa Republican – click to enlarge). It shows a building very much in his Beaux Arts style; it would have looked quite at home at the university, and in fact, his exterior for the Santa Rosa Bank resembles an office building version of the Hearst Mining Building, which he had completed the previous year. On the ground floor is rusticated masonry with ornamented keystones above each arch. The roof line has a wide overhanging eave that sits on the top like a crown. The primary difference with what they built was that the overhang was scaled back considerably and simplified. And, of course, a clock tower was added.

To anyone schooled in architecture at that time, the clock tower must have been jarring. John Galen Howard’s building was classically-inspired modern architecture, with strong clean lines; the clock tower was in the too-busy Second Empire style from about forty years earlier. Almost identical clock towers can still be found on courthouses and government buildings built 1870s-1880s, particularly in the South and Midwest; the one here in Santa Rosa might well have been ordered from a factory that prebuilt the things. (UPDATE: The mechanism was made by E. Howard & Co. but they did not provide the enclosure.) And, of course, Santa Rosa even added the garish touch of a gilded dome with a weather vane on the peak. All in all, it was a bit like the Beverly Hillbillies plopping a double-wide on the roof of their nice mansion to house Jethro’s less sophisticated kin.

But why the clock tower at all? In “Santa Rosa’s Architectural Heritage,” Geraldine and Dan Peterson write that “…community sentiment toward the clock tower of the earlier building on the site was strong enough that the roof line was redesigned…” If there was any discussion of this in the papers, I’ve overlooked it – but it’s certain that the earlier building did not have a clock tower. The image below is an enlargement of a section from a postcard showing pre-earthquake Santa Rosa, and the old place clearly had neither a tower nor clock.

More likely adding the clock tower was another manifestation of the town’s love/hate attitude towards progress, as has been often discussed here. Some Santa Rosans were undoubtedly ecstatic that a world-class modern architect was designing the tallest building in town; but I imagine a few of the powerful good ol’ boys looked at the plans and remarked, “put a clock tower up there, like we have back in Missouri – you will see it for miles when the sun hits its glory.”

Today no one notices that the building and clock tower clash in style and scale; all focus is on the quaint old tower, and John Galen Howard’s building has become simply its base. There are dozens of photographs found on the Internet but none are of the building itself with the tower cropped out; however there are many closeups of the tower alone. And whoever thought of painting the dome gold was inspired – nothing shouts “what a classy place!” like bling.

Obl. Comstock House connection: One of the first tenants to move into the pretty new building was lawyer James Wyatt Oates. A 1914 view of his offices at rooms 300-301 can be seen here in a photograph of junior partner Hilliard Comstock at his desk.

(Right: Detail of postcard showing the Empire Building c. 1917, when it was the Bank of Italy. Both postcard views courtesy the Larry Lapeere Collection)


Colonel Oates’ New Offices

Colonel J. W. Oates has moved his law offices into an elegant suite of three offices in the third story of the handsome Santa Rosa Bank Building. The furnishings will be very artistic and everything will be very neat.

– Press Democrat, June 3, 1908


Handsome Structure Completed and Occupied

The Santa Rosa Bank has moved into its magnificent new building on Exchange Avenue, a structure that rises four stories high and ranks among the best constructed buildings in the state, a credit to the well-known and old established financial institution, a monument to enterprise and a prominent landmark in the new and greater Santa Rosa.

The progress of construction of the new bank building has been watched with interest during the months that work has been under way. It is a “Class A” steel structure, and at once appears to everybody on account of its solidity and massiveness. And now that the finishings have been installed, the effect is most pleasing.

The bank’s quarters in the new building are ideal for the transaction of business–care having been taken that this should be so. It is admirably lighted and the tiled floor, the fixtures and all other points are in pleasing accord. The work of moving into the new building was begun last night so that everything could be in readiness for the commencement of business on Monday morning.

The handsome furnishings, including the desks, chairs and the furniture are all solid mahogany. The fixtures and finish, also of mahogany, were made by P. H. Kroncke of this city. It is a compliment to Mr. Kroncke and Santa Rosa that such work could be turned out here. Lomont & Co. did the painting and decoration work.

In the right hand corner of the main building is the president’s office, attractively arranged and furnished for the purpose to which it will be put. Next in line is the receiving teller’s window, then the paying teller’s window. The cashier’s office and then the bookkeeper’s department are all provided. All these departments are thoroughly equipped with everything necessary.. There is a handsome frontage of heavy plate glass. The directors have a nice room. Taken severally and as a whole the furnishings could not have been selected with more taste in order that they should be in keeping with the general appearance of a very fine modern bank building.

The safe deposit department is complete in its arrangement, and the double burglar and fire-proof vaults, and the new book vault cannot be excelled. A personal inspection imposes one with the strength of the vaults.

From the entrance doors on Exchange avenue one steps into the main room, and while the requirements of the bank officials have been looked after in every particular, the comfort and convenience of the bank patrons has not been lost sight of. There are desks and seats and other accessories for their use. An elevator runs from the ground floor to the roof. The three upper stories are fitted up as offices for professional men, and others, and many of them have already been taken, and are occupied. The building throughout is well ventilated and has all modern conveniences in the way of heating apparatus, lighting, etc.

Nearing completion on top of the immense structure is a great clock, whose dial can be seen for miles all around the city. This will be lighted at night and will be the finishing touch to a building of which many larger cities would be just justly feel proud.

The directors of the Santa Rosa Bank are…


Frank E. Cherry was the superintendent of construction, and he naturally feels proud of the results obtained. The building has been completed under the estimated cost by the architects, Howard & Galloway. In fact, at considerable less cost than the original estimate.

It has been suggested to the officials that in view of the fact that the bank building is one the publicly generally would like to inspect that they set apart some evening for this purpose.

– Press Democrat, July 26, 1908

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