AUTO WORLD (Summer of 1925)

More about Santa Rosa in the summer of 1925. See INTRO for overview and index.

Press Democrat ad, July 9 1925
Press Democrat ad, July 9 1925
  Our 1925 ancestors had boundless love for all things with a steering wheel and on Sundays the Press Democrat had a dedicated automobile section that was 3-4 pages long. Beyond the expected ads from car makers, there were articles on topics like tire pressure, battery prices, and trouble shooting problems (“A peculiar grating noise from a horn is an indication of a broken diaphragm”). New salesmen at local dealerships were treated like sports stars, often with a photo to accompany their profile. Readers learned which asphalt roads were newly oiled and where to expect detours.

What the PD didn’t like were meddlesome driving rules: “Nobody can possibly obey all the traffic laws, no matter how good his intentions may be,” the paper editorialized. Enforcement of speed limits seemed to particularly irk; while it stopped short of accusing police of running speed traps, the PD prominently reported the wads of money coming in from speeders. (The speed limit was 15MPH downtown, 20MPH in residential neighborhoods.) This was also the month California first issued a driver’s license based on capability. Applicants over the age of 13 had to fill out a questionnaire stating they had the use of both arms and legs and could read road signs.


99 NABBED FOR SPEED IN JUNE – Nine-nine speeders were arrested by members of the Santa Rosa police department during June, this class of violators comprising the bulk of the 135 arrests during the month, according to the report of Chief of Police George W. Matthews, made public yesterday. Other arrests are classified in the report as follows: Drunk, 14; vagrancy, 3; reckless driving, 2; unlawful liquor possession, 1; cutting corners, 1; muffler, 3; lights, 4; passing street cars, 3; parking at fire hydrant, 2; other parking offenses, 3… (July 2)

WOMAN DRIVES AT 50 MILES HOUR; PAYS $20 – Elaine M. Babbino of San Rafael was fined $20 and Thomas Mahoney of San Francisco paid $10 yesterday after pleading guilty before Justice Marvin T. Vaughan to speeding charges. The woman was charged with driving 50 miles an hour when she was arrested by a state traffic officer. (July 10)

TRAFFIC LAWS CONFUSING – Nobody can possibly obey all the traffic laws, no matter how good his intentions may be…In some towns a driver may be arrested if he dims his lights on one street, and arrested again if he does not dim them on another. Many cities have conflicting rules regarding their own safety zones, a right turn being required on some streets and either right or left turns allowed a block over. Going in front of a policeman stationed at a crossing is required in one town, but in the town next further on it is cause for being sent to the city hall. Differences in speed requirements, parking, signals and the manner of entering and leaving main thoroughfares, are found everywhere. The traffic laws should be made more uniform, and reduced in number. (Editorial July 11)


BLAME FOR AUTO-TRAIN CRASH NOT FIXED; MANY WITNESSES HEARD – Installation of better safety devices, either a flagman, a loud, automatic gong or barriers, the reduction of speed of all trains to not more than twenty miles an hour and free and unobstructed view of the tracks on either side of the crossing, were the recommendations of a coroners jury which last night investigated the tragic deaths of Joseph Watson, Monroe rancher, and his wife, Mary Ann Watson at the College avenue railroad crossing early yesterday morning. The jury deliberated one hour and ten minutes, but did not fix responsibility for the accident… (July 17)

NEW APPLICANTS FOR AUTO DRIVING PERMITS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PASS TEST – On Friday of this week a new law will become effective in California requiring every applicant for a license to operate a motor vehicle to submit satisfactory evidence of his physical and mental fitness to drive…Under this law the applicant will be required to fill out a questionaire [sic] stating condition of eyesight, hearing, whether afflicted with epilepsy, paralysis or insanity. He will also be required to state whether he has the use of both arms and legs, how long he has operated a motor vehicle and whether he is able to read road signs…No person under 14 years of age need apply nor may the division issue chauffeur’s license to any person under 18. The law expressly forbids the issuance of a license to any insane or feeble minded person, any imbecile, habitual drunkard or narcotic addict or any person who by reason of a physical disability is unable to properly control a motor vehicle… (July 22)

NEW AUTO LAW HERE PROVIDES STIFF PENALTY – Under the new traffic ordinance passed by the city council Tuesday night, and effective with its publication, it will be unlawful to drive any motor vehicle within the business district at a greater speed than 15 miles an hour, 20 miles in the residential section and ten miles at street intersections, approaching bridges, or around corners where the drivers view is obstructed… (July 23)

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