This is a complete puzzler. Why did these people rise up to fight sidewalks? Were the residents expected to donate the front of their property for the pavement, or pay for it? Was this a spite petition against the neighbors behind the earlier petition? The stretch of Benton St. under dispute was between Mendocino Avenue (then Healdsburg Ave.) and North Street. And yes, the street has sidewalks today. Update: Yes, the City Council was ordering property owners to lay cement sidewalks at their own expense.

(An unrelated item in this article concerning a liquor license is not included here.)


Among the petitions and communications presented to the Common Council last evening was a lengthy protests from residents of Benton street against laying of cement sidewalks on that thoroughfare…

The protest against the cement sidewalks was signed by property owners representing 3916 feet out of a total 4430 feet. A previous petition asked the Council to order cement sidewalks constructed on that thoroughfare from Healdsburg avenue to the Southern Pacific depot. It was pointed out in the protest that there were six blocks of land covered by the petition and protest of 300 feet each and one block of 415 feet. On both sides of the street this made a total of 4430 feet. The matter was referred to the Street Committee.


– Santa Rosa Republican, November 16, 1904

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