More about Santa Rosa in the summer of 1925. See INTRO for overview and index.
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What beginneth with headlines endeth with a page of classifieds. Every day in July 1925 the Press Democrat there were hundreds of chickens for sale plus cows (which you could sometimes rent!) and goats and horses and dogs and…hey, do you have any use for 350 pigeons? Call H. Heffelfinger if so.
Houses and furnished rooms were available for rent but sometimes with weird conditions, such as the offer of boarding for “two pals (male) who would occupy one room.” Little farms were available for sale and every one seemed to boast of having a chicken house, which apparently turned them into a “chicken ranch.” (I’ve x’d out all actual addresses to prevent jokers from pestering today’s residents.) There were always more people looking for work than help wanted. Lots of autos were for sale, including a “Classy Ford Speedster, no tires” for $75. |
FOR RENT Large house on Benton street, $35.00 per month. See L. C. OLSON, xxx Mendocino. Tel. 2198. (July 8)
GRAMMAR school boy graduate wants to learn trade of any kind. Mr. F. Shubertz, Route 3. Box 417, Sebastopol. (July 8)
LOST $20.00 by working girl, between Wilcox storage and Cline Theatre. Return to xxx Humboldt St. Phone 1968J. Reward. (July 8)
WANTED Wornout stock, horses, or cows, dead or alive. Phone Santa Rosa 829. J. H. Vail. (July 10)
WANTED To board two pals (male) who would occupy one room in private family of two. All home privileges. Radio. Phone. No. xxxx Orchard St. (July 18)
WIDOW living alone wishes to rent front room to gentleman. Home is close in and homelike. Would consider meals to right party. (July 22)
FOR SALE Scientific works of Darwin, Huxley, Spencer, Tyndall. Evolution, Descent of Man, Origin of Species, Science and Religion, Etc. Etc. xxxx Fourth St. Phone 1327J. (July 24)
MRS. HENRY MOTE will have a special sale on all her sample Nu Bone Corsets all this week at her home, xxx Sonoma Ave., Santa Rosa. (July 26)
WANTED Aug. 1. girl to assist with house work and care of small child. May stay at home nights. Apply xxxx McDonald ave. (July 29)